Despite this name, dinosaurs are not nor are closely related to lizards and in fact many of them had some degree of feathers. The word dinosaur itself derives from the Greek and means "terrible lizard". The closest extinct group were the pterosaurs. Crocodilians are the only sister group alive of the dinosaurs. The only dinosaurs left alive today are the sole theropod family to survive the Cretaceous extinction, the birds. Dinosaurs gained a huge popularity boost in 1993, with the release of the original Jurassic Park, and subsequent sequels every four years, with the exception of the fourth movie. Dinosaurs now includes over a thousand species, hundreds of taxon, and around thirty families (excluding birds). Dinosaurs are arguably the most famous creatures ever to live on earth, first described as a group by anatomist Sir Richard Owen during a lecture in 1841, based on three genera, Megalosaurus, Iguanodon, and Hylaeosaurus.

The Dinosaurs or Dinosauria, is the name of a group of archosaurian reptiles that lived from the Mid Triassic Period (230 mya) to today.

We're part of a fragile system made up of all living things." -Charlotte Lockwood ( src) We act like we're alone here but we're not. The idea that life on earth existed 65 million years ago. If people like you make a difference."" -Claire Dearing ( src) "Life on earth has existed for hundreds of millions of years and dinosaurs were only a part of that, and we are an even smaller part of that. But soon you're gonna have to watch them go extinct. Late Triassic to Present (Carnian to Meghalayan), 233.23-0 Ma ""Okay, so your kids, An entire generation has grown up in a world where dinosaurs are living and breathing.